Installation of process equipment
For a manufacturing company operating in any industry, competent installation of process equipment is crucial. Equipment installation provided by Promstroienergomontazh specialists will serve for the benefit of your company, will help on the way of increasing your profit and achieving success.
Proper installation of process equipment helps to save money, fuel, heat and other resources, reduce labor costs for repairs, increase productivity and improve working conditions, as well as increase quality of products.
Our company provides installation of food, boiler, refrigerating, chemical and other process equipment with strict observance of the regulations prescribed in SNiP, as well as rules and instructions of Rostehnadzor and other regulatory documents. Thus, our customers receive guaranteed quality of work and safety of equipment operation.

Installation of process equipment may be carried out under supervision of the supplier of this equipment, though in most cases - according to the drawings it provided.
Installation of process equipment, which is often associated with power electrical works, requires involvement of a large number of specialists: fitters, welders, high-altitude workers, electricians, electronics engineers, etc. Our company has a staff of specialists sufficient to carry out installation at several plants.
We are responsible for compliance with the requirements of occupational safety on site.
Also, our specialists have the necessary skills and permits to work at height, can carry out installation of load-bearing metal structures of virtually any complexity.